Current news

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Blog entry by Judith Beyer

Judith Beyer published an entry, entitled “Statelessness, expert activists and the ‘practitioner-scholar

dilemma’’ at the “Critical Statelessness Studies Blog” by the University of Melbourne.

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Teaching award for Judith Beyer

Judith Beyer, who holds the professorship of Social and Political Anthropology at the University of Konstanz, receives this year’s Tina-Ulmer-Teaching-Award that honours outstanding merits and innovative achievements in teaching. In the last years, Beyer led research projects that were accomplished by students of Anthropology and Sociology in the city of Konstanz. Furthermore, she realized an interactive workshop, where students and stateless people jointly could discuss the topic of…

New article by Hanno Mögenburg

Hanno Mögenburg published the paper "Entrenched provisionality. Struggling for public electricity in postapartheid Johannesburg" in "Focaal. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology."

Article on Law in Edited Volume

Judith Beyer published a chapter on „Law“ in Central Asia: Contexts for Understanding -- the most comprehensive introduction to the region available for students and general readers alike“. The book came out with the University of Pittsburgh Press.

28.06.22 - 13.30 Uhr - V403

Am Dienstag, den 28. Juni 2022 findet von 13.30 Uhr bis 16 Uhr ein Ausstausch zu Berufsperspektiven und Bewerbungsvorgehen für Ethnolog:innen in Raum V403 statt. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Studierende des Bachelors Soziologie sowie der Masterstudiengänge Ethnologie und / Soziologie, wobei der Fokus auf ethnologischen Berufsperspektiven liegt.

Ethnologie und Soziologie: MA-Bewerbungszeitraum

Am 17.05.2022 beginnt der Bewerbungszeitraum für den Masterstudiengang Ethnologie und Soziologie an der Uni Konstanz für das Wintersemester 2022/2023. Der Bewerbungszeitraum endet am 15. Juli 2022.

Two new associates

The Working Group "Social and Political Anthropology" welcomes two new associate members: Prof. Jessica Greenberg and Dr. Mohammad Baqer Zaki.

Current news

[Translate to Englisch:]

Blog entry by Judith Beyer

Judith Beyer published an entry, entitled “Statelessness, expert activists and the ‘practitioner-scholar

dilemma’’ at the “Critical Statelessness Studies Blog” by the University of Melbourne.

Read more



[Translate to Englisch:]

Teaching award for Judith Beyer

Judith Beyer, who holds the professorship of Social and Political Anthropology at the University of Konstanz, receives this year’s Tina-Ulmer-Teaching-Award that honours outstanding merits and innovative achievements in teaching. In the last years, Beyer led research projects that were accomplished by students of Anthropology and Sociology in the city of Konstanz. Furthermore, she realized an interactive workshop, where students and stateless people jointly could discuss the topic of…

New article by Hanno Mögenburg

Hanno Mögenburg published the paper "Entrenched provisionality. Struggling for public electricity in postapartheid Johannesburg" in "Focaal. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology."

Article on Law in Edited Volume

Judith Beyer published a chapter on „Law“ in Central Asia: Contexts for Understanding -- the most comprehensive introduction to the region available for students and general readers alike“. The book came out with the University of Pittsburgh Press.

28.06.22 - 13.30 Uhr - V403

Am Dienstag, den 28. Juni 2022 findet von 13.30 Uhr bis 16 Uhr ein Ausstausch zu Berufsperspektiven und Bewerbungsvorgehen für Ethnolog:innen in Raum V403 statt. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Studierende des Bachelors Soziologie sowie der Masterstudiengänge Ethnologie und / Soziologie, wobei der Fokus auf ethnologischen Berufsperspektiven liegt.

Ethnologie und Soziologie: MA-Bewerbungszeitraum

Am 17.05.2022 beginnt der Bewerbungszeitraum für den Masterstudiengang Ethnologie und Soziologie an der Uni Konstanz für das Wintersemester 2022/2023. Der Bewerbungszeitraum endet am 15. Juli 2022.

Two new associates

The Working Group "Social and Political Anthropology" welcomes two new associate members: Prof. Jessica Greenberg and Dr. Mohammad Baqer Zaki.